... is in my town, Ma On Shan, in a nearby shopping mall. Jealous?
... se trouve dans une galerie marchande de ma ville, Ma On Shan. Jaloux?
Monday, December 22, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Paper Ant... Fourmi de papier...
In the category of "last minute homework to do just 10 minutes before going to bed", I present you the Paper Ant. It is made of newspaper (3 pages),tape and straws (3). Erwan came to me the other night, insisting that he absolutely had to do the ant for school. It was already late, as in I was in the "go to sleep now or I am not going to be friendly" mode. The teacher hasn't told anything to our maid. So, I came up with things I had around. And 10 minutes later, this little ant was created! He was very happy! And he was right: he was supposed to bring a ant! An ant today... what will it be tomorrow?...
Dans la catégorie "le devoir à faire 10 minutes avant d'aller dormir", je vous présente la fourmi en papier. C'est fait avec 3 feuilles de journal, 3 pailles et du scotch. Erwan est venu vers moi l'autre nuit, en insistant qu'il devait faire une fourmi pour l'école. C'était déjà tard, du genre j'étais dans ma phase " va dormir tout de suite, là maintenant où alors je ne vais franchement pas être content du tout du tout ". La maitresse n'avait rien dit à notre domestique. Donc par dépit, avec les moyens du bord, j'ai bricolé une fourmi en 10 minutes. Erwan était très content ! Et en plus il avait raison: il devait bien ramener une fourmi faite maison à l'école! Une fourmi aujourd'hui... qu'est-ce que ce sera demain?...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Man in Black... Homme en Noir...
On a forum that I like to lurk around ( yep, not even a member yet! ), there is a caricature challenge. This time, this is the American actor Tommy Lee Jones ( Men in Black, the fugitive ,...) to be done. One of the guy that I really like as an artist ( Maester, somewhere in the links on the right ! ) has also given a shot at it. A lot of nice stuff, the kind which inspired me to do my quick version during the lunchbreak. I thought it was an easy one, as he has some very specific facial elements. But once again, he was hard to "find". But it helped me to find out one of my problem in the caricature exercice: I have the tendancy to do the face too long. So, I fixed it and here is my shot at Mr Jones.
Sur un forum sur lequel j'aime bien aller jeter un coup d'oeil ( j'en suis pas encore membre! ), il y a un challenge de caricature. Cette fois-ci, c'est l'acteur américain Tommy Lee Jones qui se fait tirer le portrait ( Men in Black, le fugitif,... ). Un de mes artistes préférés, Maester ( quelque part dans les liens à droite ) y est allé de son petit croquis. Il y a plein de bonnes choses sur ce site, si bien que je me suis senti inspiré pour faire une caricature rapide pendant la pause du déjeuner. Je pensais qu'il serait facile car il a des attributs faciaux bien spécifiques. Mais encore une fois, je me suis planté! Il a été dur à "trouver". Mais ça m'aura permis de comprendre un de mes défauts quand je m'essaie à la caricature: j'ai tendance à faire les visages trop longs. Donc, j'ai fixé ça vite fait et voilà: ma version de Tommy Lee Jones!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving....
Wow! There was a long time I haven't post anything but photos! I have been reaaaaaaaaally busy recently at work ( and frustrated and upset but I will speak about it another time ! ). So, that's a recent quick drawing I made for my little boy for his school. He did the colors. Happy Thanksgiving !
Whoah! Ça fait un moment que je n'avais pas posté autre chose que des photos! J'ai été trèèèèès occupé récemment au boulot ( et aussi frustré, pas content mais j'en parlerai à un autre moment!). Donc, voilà un petit dessin vite fait pour l'école de Erwan à l'occasion de la célébration de Thanksgiving, une tradition américaine. C'est Erwan qui a fait les couleurs. Joyeux Thanksgiving ( je sais pas comment le dire en français! )
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Eight years already... Huit ans déjà...
Few days ago, it was her big day. My little girl just turned 8 years old. I still remember the day she born... er... also the night before! She arrived in our family in the late afternoon in Angoulême ( France ) but she forced us ( my wife, my mom and myself ) to go to the hospital at 4:00AM !
8 years later, the whole little family is in Hong Kong. As we have some of my in-laws with us, we celebrated her birthday at a Chinese restaurant not too far away from our home. I may have already mention the problem I have with the Chinese restaurant. Usually, they are extremely noisy, worst thant if you were near a plane landing at the airport. But on that night, well, it was even worst: they have some kind of karaoké party for old people and it was a mix of old Hong Kong pop songs and traditional Chinese Opera! No one can feels the pain for my ears if one never heard some traditional opera. I bet it was a form of torture in the ancient times! She even have a Hello Kitty Birthday cake! (You need to know that I TRULLY HATE Hello Kitty! ). What I will do for my little baby! ...
Oh and yes I forgot to mention... of course all those songs were out of tune!
Nous venons juste de fêter l'anniversaire de notre petite Delphine. Je peux encore me rappeller à la perfection le jour de sa naissance... et la nuit qui l'a précédé. Elle est arrivée dans notre petite famille à Angoulême par un bel après-midi à Angoulême in France. Mais elle nous a forcé (ma femme, ma mère et moi) à aller à l'hopital à 4heures du matin!
8 ans plus tard, toute la petite famille s'est agrandie et se trouve à Hong Kong. Comme nous avions aussi de la belle-famille avec nous pour l'occasion, nous sommes allés dans un restaurant chinois pas très loin de chez nous. Je pense que j'ai déjà dû mentionner ce que je pense des restaurants chinois. Je les trouve extrêmement bruyants, pire que si vous vous trouviez juste à côté d'un avion en train d'attérir!
Mais pour cette soirée exceptionnelle... et bien c'était encore pire! Le restaurant avait organisé un concours karaoké pour des personnes âgées. J'ai eu droit à tout un mélange de vieilles chansons pop hongkongaises ainsi que de l'Opéra traditionnelle chinois! Vous ne pouvezt comprendre ma bravoure de rester jusqu'à la fin du repas sans avoir pris la première chaise, table ou autre objet contondant et l'avoir balancé en direction des candidats que si vous avez déjà écouté de l'Opéra chinois traditionnel! Je reste persuadé que dans des temps anciens, ils l'utilisaient comme torture pour vous faire craquer! Mais bon, j'ai tenu le coup... Delphine a même eu droit à un gâteau Hello Kitty ( personnage que JE DÉTESTE !). Ce que je ne ferais pas pour mon petit bébé !
Au fait, j'ai oublié de vous dire...Bien sûr les apprentis chanteurs chantaient faux !
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Up... Dans les nuages...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
HK farm visit... visite d'une ferme hongkongaise...
This is a picture of my son and me taken several weeks ago. It was a Saturday picnic organized by his school. It was interesting in the way that this was quite different than a French farm. There was one cow, one bull, few rabbits and hamsters, several mini fields of various culturing, a playing area, a presentation area, and a family runned snack corner. In France, this is different. You will have plenty of cowS, horseS, chickenS, rabbitS, goatS and maybe a field or 2 of culturing but usually way much bigger!
But this was kinda fun. Downside of the whole experience: as the only foreigner, well, this is not a convenient place for me if I want to communicate.
Voici une photo prise il y a plusieurs semaines de mon fils et moi. C'était un pique-nique un samedi. C'était organisé par son école. C'était intéressant dans le sens où une ferme à la hongkongaise, c'est relativement différent d'une ferme à la française! Il y avait une vache, un taureau, quelques lapins, quelques hamsters, plusieurs mini champs de culture ( carottes, radis et autres... ), un coin pour des jeux, un coin pour une présentation du site, et un coin snack/mini resto tenu par les proprios. En France, c'est bien différent! Il y a plein de vaches, taureaux, poules, canards, cochons, chevaux et éventuellement un ou deux grands champs de cultures agricoles... vraiment grands!
Mais, c'était fun! Le seul point noir: en tant que seul étranger, la communication, même en anglais, n'était pas facile ( pour ainsi dire pas possible! ). En même temps, combien de fermiers français savent parler l'anglais?
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Flowers field... Champ de fleurs...
My little girl just recently finished this second painting. And as I am a proud daddy, And so, here is "Flowers field, acrylics". This one will go to France also. The lucky person is already aware of it. I just have to find a way to ship it now! And this is not as easy as you think! In France, you could go to those books/stationary shops and you would most likely find a tube for the shipping! In Hong Kong, the only place I can eventually find it is at the Post Office! With my working hours, it is not convenient at all for me to go. So, most likely on this coming Saturday.
Ma fillette vient récemment de terminer son second tableau, posté ci-dessus. Et comme je suis un papa très fier, voici donc "Champ de fleurs, acryliques". Ce tableau ira en France. La personne qui a cette chance est déjà au courant. Je dois juste trouver un moyen de l'envoyer par la poste maintenant! Et ce n'est pas aussi facile que vous pourriez le penser! En France, je pourrais trouver un tube pour y rouler la toile très facilement dans une bonne papeterie. Malheureusement, ça n'est pas le cas à Hong Kong! La seule place où je pourrais éventuellement le trouver est le bureau de Poste. et avec mes heures de boulot, ce n'est franchement pas pratique pour moi. Donc, très probablement, ce sera ce Samedi qui arrive.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Chili Contest... only in English... Seulement en anglais...
When I am in a really bad mood ( see previous post! ), I have the perfect cure: I just need to read the following joke. It is so funny, it makes me cry... every single time!
And so I present you the CHILI CONTEST:
Recently I was honored to be selected as an Outstanding Famous Celebrity in my Community to be a judge at a chili cook-off because no one else wanted to do it. Also the original personal called in sick at the last moment and I happened to be standing there at the judge's table asking directions to the beer wagon when the call came. I was assured by the other two judges that the chili wouldn't be all that spicy, and besides they told me I could have free beer during the tasting, so I accepted this as being one of those burdens you endure when you're an internet writer and therefore known and adored by all. Here are the scorecards from the event:
Chili # 1: Mike's Maniac Mobster Monster Chili
JUDGE ONE: A little too heavy on tomato. Amusing kick.
JUDGE TWO:. Nice, smooth tomato flavor Very mild.
CAMERON: Holy smokes, what is this stuff? You could remove dried paint from your driveway with it. Took me two beers to put the flames out. Hope that's the worst one. These people are crazy.
Chili # 2: Arthur's Afterburner Chili
JUDGE ONE: Smoky (barbecue?) with a hint of pork. Slight Jalapeno tang.
JUDGE TWO: Exciting BBQ flavor, needs more peppers to be taken seriously.
CAMERON: Keep this out of reach of children! I'm not sure what I am
supposed to taste besides pain. I had to wave off two people who wanted to give me the Heimlich maneuver. Shoved my way to the front of the beer line. The barmaid looks like a professional wrestler after a bad night. She was so irritated over my gagging sounds that the snake tattoo under her eye started to twitch. She has arms like Popeye and a face like Winston Churchill. I will NOT pick a fight with her.
Chili # 3: Fred's Famous Burn Down the Barn Chili
JUDGE ONE: Excellent firehouse chili! Great kick. Needs more beans.
JUDGE TWO: A beanless chili, a bit salty, good use of red peppers.
CAMERON: This has got to be a joke. Call the EPA, I've located a uranium spill. My nose feels like I have been sneezing Drano. Everyone knows the routine by now and got out of my way so I could make it to the beer wagon. Barmaid pounded me on the back; now my backbone is in the front part of my chest. She said her friends call her "Sally." Probably behind her back they call her "Forklift."
Chili # 4: Bubba's Black Magic
JUDGE ONE: Black bean chili with almost no spice. Disappointing.
JUDGE TWO: A hint of lime in the black beans. Good side dish for fish or other mild foods, not much of a chili.
CAMERON: I felt something scraping across my tongue but was unable to taste it. Sally was standing behind me with fresh refills so I wouldn't have to dash over to see her. When she winked at me her snake sort of coiled and uncoiled--it's kinda cute.
Chili # 5: Linda's Legal Lip Remover
JUDGE ONE: Meaty, strong chili. Cayenne peppers freshly ground adding considerable kick. Very impressive.
JUDGE TWO: Chili using shredded beef; could use more tomato. Must admit the cayenne peppers make a strong statement.
CAMERON: My ears are ringing and I can no longer focus my eyes. I belched and four people in front of me needed paramedics. The contestant seemed hurt when I told her that her chili had given me brain damage. Sally saved my tongue by pouring beer directly on it from a pitcher. Sort of irritates me that one of the other judges asked me to stop screaming.
Chili # 6: Vera's Very Vegetarian Variety
JUDGE ONE: Thin yet bold vegetarian variety chili. Good balance of spice and peppers.
JUDGE TWO: The best yet. Aggressive use of peppers, onions, and garlic. Superb.
CAMERON: My intestines are now a straight pipe filled with gaseous flames. No one seems inclined to stand behind me except Sally. I asked if she wants to go dancing later.
Chili # 7: Susan's Screaming Sensation Chili
JUDGE ONE: A mediocre chili with too much reliance on canned peppers.
JUDGE TWO: Ho Hum, tastes as if the chef threw in canned chili peppers at the last moment. I should note that I am a bit worried about Judge Number 3, he appears to be in a bit of distress.
CAMERON: You could put a hand grenade in my mouth and pull the pin and I wouldn't feel it. I've lost the sight in one eye and the world sounds like it is made of rushing water. My clothes are covered with chili which slid unnoticed out of my mouth at some point. Good, at autopsy they'll know what killed me. Go Sally, save yourself before it's too late. Tell our children I'm sorry I was not there to conceive them. I've decided to stop breathing, it's too painful and I'm not getting any oxygen anyway. If I need air I'll just let it in through the hole in my stomach. Call the X-Files people and tell them I've found a super nova on my tongue.
Chili # 8: Helen's Mount Saint Chili
JUDGE ONE: This final entry is a good, balanced chili, neither mild nor hot. Sorry to see that most of it was lost when Judge Number 3 fell and pulled the chili pot on top of himself.
JUDGE TWO: A perfect ending, this is a nice blend chili, safe for all, not too bold but spicy enough to declare its existence.
And so I present you the CHILI CONTEST:
Recently I was honored to be selected as an Outstanding Famous Celebrity in my Community to be a judge at a chili cook-off because no one else wanted to do it. Also the original personal called in sick at the last moment and I happened to be standing there at the judge's table asking directions to the beer wagon when the call came. I was assured by the other two judges that the chili wouldn't be all that spicy, and besides they told me I could have free beer during the tasting, so I accepted this as being one of those burdens you endure when you're an internet writer and therefore known and adored by all. Here are the scorecards from the event:
Chili # 1: Mike's Maniac Mobster Monster Chili
JUDGE ONE: A little too heavy on tomato. Amusing kick.
JUDGE TWO:. Nice, smooth tomato flavor Very mild.
CAMERON: Holy smokes, what is this stuff? You could remove dried paint from your driveway with it. Took me two beers to put the flames out. Hope that's the worst one. These people are crazy.
Chili # 2: Arthur's Afterburner Chili
JUDGE ONE: Smoky (barbecue?) with a hint of pork. Slight Jalapeno tang.
JUDGE TWO: Exciting BBQ flavor, needs more peppers to be taken seriously.
CAMERON: Keep this out of reach of children! I'm not sure what I am
supposed to taste besides pain. I had to wave off two people who wanted to give me the Heimlich maneuver. Shoved my way to the front of the beer line. The barmaid looks like a professional wrestler after a bad night. She was so irritated over my gagging sounds that the snake tattoo under her eye started to twitch. She has arms like Popeye and a face like Winston Churchill. I will NOT pick a fight with her.
Chili # 3: Fred's Famous Burn Down the Barn Chili
JUDGE ONE: Excellent firehouse chili! Great kick. Needs more beans.
JUDGE TWO: A beanless chili, a bit salty, good use of red peppers.
CAMERON: This has got to be a joke. Call the EPA, I've located a uranium spill. My nose feels like I have been sneezing Drano. Everyone knows the routine by now and got out of my way so I could make it to the beer wagon. Barmaid pounded me on the back; now my backbone is in the front part of my chest. She said her friends call her "Sally." Probably behind her back they call her "Forklift."
Chili # 4: Bubba's Black Magic
JUDGE ONE: Black bean chili with almost no spice. Disappointing.
JUDGE TWO: A hint of lime in the black beans. Good side dish for fish or other mild foods, not much of a chili.
CAMERON: I felt something scraping across my tongue but was unable to taste it. Sally was standing behind me with fresh refills so I wouldn't have to dash over to see her. When she winked at me her snake sort of coiled and uncoiled--it's kinda cute.
Chili # 5: Linda's Legal Lip Remover
JUDGE ONE: Meaty, strong chili. Cayenne peppers freshly ground adding considerable kick. Very impressive.
JUDGE TWO: Chili using shredded beef; could use more tomato. Must admit the cayenne peppers make a strong statement.
CAMERON: My ears are ringing and I can no longer focus my eyes. I belched and four people in front of me needed paramedics. The contestant seemed hurt when I told her that her chili had given me brain damage. Sally saved my tongue by pouring beer directly on it from a pitcher. Sort of irritates me that one of the other judges asked me to stop screaming.
Chili # 6: Vera's Very Vegetarian Variety
JUDGE ONE: Thin yet bold vegetarian variety chili. Good balance of spice and peppers.
JUDGE TWO: The best yet. Aggressive use of peppers, onions, and garlic. Superb.
CAMERON: My intestines are now a straight pipe filled with gaseous flames. No one seems inclined to stand behind me except Sally. I asked if she wants to go dancing later.
Chili # 7: Susan's Screaming Sensation Chili
JUDGE ONE: A mediocre chili with too much reliance on canned peppers.
JUDGE TWO: Ho Hum, tastes as if the chef threw in canned chili peppers at the last moment. I should note that I am a bit worried about Judge Number 3, he appears to be in a bit of distress.
CAMERON: You could put a hand grenade in my mouth and pull the pin and I wouldn't feel it. I've lost the sight in one eye and the world sounds like it is made of rushing water. My clothes are covered with chili which slid unnoticed out of my mouth at some point. Good, at autopsy they'll know what killed me. Go Sally, save yourself before it's too late. Tell our children I'm sorry I was not there to conceive them. I've decided to stop breathing, it's too painful and I'm not getting any oxygen anyway. If I need air I'll just let it in through the hole in my stomach. Call the X-Files people and tell them I've found a super nova on my tongue.
Chili # 8: Helen's Mount Saint Chili
JUDGE ONE: This final entry is a good, balanced chili, neither mild nor hot. Sorry to see that most of it was lost when Judge Number 3 fell and pulled the chili pot on top of himself.
JUDGE TWO: A perfect ending, this is a nice blend chili, safe for all, not too bold but spicy enough to declare its existence.
Current mood... Humeur du moment...
Sometimes things doesn't work out the way you want at work... some people are so ...AAAAAAAAAAArgh !... really really not easy to deal with!...Some times I would like to be the Hulk!
Parfois,les choses ne vont pas du tout comme on le voudrait au boulot...certaines personnes sont vraiment... GGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !... mais alors vraiment trop difficiles à travailler avec !... Des fois j'aimerai être Hulk !
Friday, October 10, 2008
My Deer... Ma biche...
I was not really happy with my caricature of Louis De Funès in a previous post
( http://mylittlecornerofweb.blogspot.com/2008/08/do-you-do-you-do-you-saint-tropez.html ). The face was too long, the chin was bad, and so on ... So I decided to do another try. He is really difficult to capture, but I think I am getting there! If you still don't know him, just Google his name! I will do a color version later...
Je n'étais pas franchement satisfait de ma caricature de Louis De Funès dans un précédent billet
( http://mylittlecornerofweb.blogspot.com/2008/08/do-you-do-you-do-you-saint-tropez.html ). Je trouvais la tête trop longue, le menton pas OK et j'en passe... Alors je me suis remis à l'ouvrage. Il est vraiment difficile à capturer, mais je pense que je suis sur une piste ! Je ferais une version en couleur plus tard ...
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Les attachés...
Several weeks ago, my good friend André and I went to our regular Friday night spot, a pub called " L'Attaché " ( in French, hence the title ! )in Ma on Shan. This is the only one around so there is not too much choice as to where we can go if we want to have a little chat with friends. There, I usually drink a non alcoholic beverage, a Shirley Temple ( no ice, thanks! ). Yeah, I know... going in a pub and not ordering a beer is almost an insult! While he would order a beer. On that night, there was a special promotion, 2 beers and you can have a caricature by an artist. If you have spent sometimes reading my blog, you know that I try to do some caricatures myself. So I was very interested! After 2 beers, we got the chance to have our caricatures done! This gave us the idea to develop a little strip about our views on HK, France, and everything else which goes through our mind... a little bit like those 2 old men in their balcony on the Muppet Show! So expect to see something here when I have time to do something ( the list is getting longer! But I have some priorities! ). Thanks to that drawing we already found the title of the strip " Les attachés "!
Récemment, ( il y a quelques semaines ), je suis allé rejoindre un copain, André, à notre repère habituel du Vendredi soir: un pub à Ma on Shan qui s'appelle " L'Attaché " ( en français ! ). C'est le seul du coin donc pas trop le choix si on veut un endroit pour papoter entre copains. D'habitude, je commande un Shirley Temple ( sans glaçon, merci ! ), une boisson non-alcoolisée. Ouais, je sais, allez dans un pub et pas demander une bière, c'est de l'ordre du sacrilège! André lui, ben lui il commande de la bière! Cette soirée-là, il y avait une promotion: 2 bières = une caricature... Comme ceux qui visitent fréquemment mon blog l'ont déjà lu ( et vu ! ), je m'intéresse aussi à cet art délicat!...Donc 2 bières plus tard, on a eu la notre. Ça nous a donné l'idée de développer un strip sur nos points de vue sur Hong Kong, la France et tout ce qui nous passe par la tête, un peu comme les petits vieux dans leur balcon dans le Muppet Show. Donc, quand j'aurai un peu de temps ( je sais, la liste s'allonge, mais j'ai des obligations d'abord! ) , attendez-vous à voir apparaitre un strip. Grâce au dessin, on a même trouvé le titre: " Les attachés "!...
Friday, October 3, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Merci Thibaud...
Recently my wife went to France for a business trip... and yes, in business class in the plane! (Lucky her!... when I go on business trip, it is in economic class... BUT I got to meet really fun people and do interesting things!). She stayed at my good friend Thibaud's place. And this great man was kind enough to give some few things for the kids and myself. So I got a Spirou ( weekly magazine in France ), Thibaud's latest comics, and this book that you can see the cover on the top. Far away from my mind to think the Spirou was cursed by Thibaud as it represented on the cover Raoul Cauvin (very prolific script writer for Spirou) celebrating his 70th birthday but after reading it I started to have some serious lower back pain problems ( the peak was those last 2 days! ). But reading "Notes" from Boulet was a great reading, the kind of book you don't put down on the night table before you have finished it! So, Thank you Thibaud! As for your comics, my dear friend, I need to read again the first two parts and I will find some times to do a review! ( Fear me, Blue blooded redhead artist! Fear me!).
So, for the few people who read this blog, if you can read French, I recommend this book for you! And for more fun, you can also go to the artist's web page: http://www.bouletcorp.com/blog/
Récemment ma femme est allée en voyage d'affaires en France ( et qu'ell se vante d'être en classe affaires dans l'avion! Moi au moins, je vois des gens bien pendant MES voyages d'affaires, et je fais des trucs super-intéressants!... même si je voyage en classe économique! Ah mais! ). Pendant son séjour, elle est resté chez des amis, les TiboDelphineRoméo. Des gens très bien! Si si! Thibaud, un grand homme plein de générosité, lui a donné quels cadeaux pour les enfants et moi-même. J'ai eu le tout récent hebdomadaire Spirou, la dernière BD de Thibaud ( même pas dédicacée, canaille! ) et la BD don't vous pouvez voir la couv' plus haut. Loin de moi l'idée que Thibaud ait exercé ces talents d'apprenti-sorcier breton, mais après la lecture du Spirou (qui avait en couverture Raoul Cauvin, célèbre scénariste prolifique des Editions Dupuis), j'ai commencé à avoir de sérieux problèmes de mal de dos ( le plus haut moment, c'était ces 2 derniers jours ). fort heureusement, la lecture du recueil de Boulet " Notes" ne fut que du bonheur. Le genre de lecture, une fois que tu as commencé le livre, tu peux plus t'arrêter! Donc, un très grand Merci Thibaud. Quand à ton album, il faut que je relise les deux tomes précédents avant d'en faire une critique ici-même ( trembles, Oh toi l'artiste aux cheveux rouges mais au sang bleu! Tremble! ).
Donc pour en revenir à "Notes", je vous le recommendes chaudement, surtout que les températures baissent en France! Et si vous voulez lire plus de choses en ligne, c'est ici: http://www.bouletcorp.com/blog/
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Something new from old stuff... Faire du neuf avec du vieux...
Below , you can see something made a long time ago ( 16 years ago ). A friend and I made a series of 20 comic strips for a contest for a newspaper in France. It was about a young guy doing a part-time job as a kid guardian ( sorry, I don't know what is the name in English )in a school during lunch time. This was based on my cousin's own experience, even if we made up all the stories. I was just the writer ... and the letterer. Turalo was the cartoonist ( look at the signature, he changed his artist's name since then !). We didn't win and the whole thing was lost for years...
En dessous, vous pouvez voir un strip fait il y a longtemps ( déjà 16 ans! ). Un copain et moi avons fait une série de 20 comic strips dans le cadre d'un concours organisé par un journal d'Angoulême. Ces strips racontaient les mésaventures d'un jeune engagé à mi-temps comme pion dans une école pour surveiller pendant les repas. C'était basé sur l'expérience de mon cousin, même si l'ensemble des histoires furent complètement inventées. J'étais juste le scénariste et le lettreur. Turalo était aux dessins (regardez sa signature d'artiste d'avant ! ). On a rien gagné et tout est parti aux oubliettes pendant des années...
...Until recently! My cousin found this somewhere in a box and decided to send the whole set to me through the web. When I looked at it, I was surprised: it aged pretty badly. Some gags were OK, but some others, not so much. No wonder we didn't won anything! Just for the fun, I decided to start revamping the first strip. And so, below is the new version, in an all new colorful way!...
...jusqu'à tout récemment! En fouillant quelque part, mon cousin tomba dessus et decida de m'envoyer toute la série de 20 par internet. Quand je l'ai regardé, j'ai été très surpris:ça avait mal vieilli. Certains gags étaient OK, mais d'autres, franchement...houlà! Je ne suis pas étonné qu'on n'ai pas gagné! Juste pour le fun, je décidai de commener un travail de"restauration". Et donc, c'est donc une toute nouvelle version devant vos petits yeux tout écarquillés, et en plus, c'est en couleur !
So, if you like it, there will be more! And, er... you want to know something sad about it? Well, look at the photo below. It is a very recent one. Yep ! The same Batman T-shirt ! And I swear, I have a wardrobe full of other clothes!
Alors voilà, si ça vous plait, ben y aura la suite. Sinon, vous voulez savoir un truc triste? Regardez la photo en dessous. Elle est toute récente... Ouais, le même T-shirt de Batman! Et pourtant, j'ai une armoire pleine de fringues!
En dessous, vous pouvez voir un strip fait il y a longtemps ( déjà 16 ans! ). Un copain et moi avons fait une série de 20 comic strips dans le cadre d'un concours organisé par un journal d'Angoulême. Ces strips racontaient les mésaventures d'un jeune engagé à mi-temps comme pion dans une école pour surveiller pendant les repas. C'était basé sur l'expérience de mon cousin, même si l'ensemble des histoires furent complètement inventées. J'étais juste le scénariste et le lettreur. Turalo était aux dessins (regardez sa signature d'artiste d'avant ! ). On a rien gagné et tout est parti aux oubliettes pendant des années...
...Until recently! My cousin found this somewhere in a box and decided to send the whole set to me through the web. When I looked at it, I was surprised: it aged pretty badly. Some gags were OK, but some others, not so much. No wonder we didn't won anything! Just for the fun, I decided to start revamping the first strip. And so, below is the new version, in an all new colorful way!...
...jusqu'à tout récemment! En fouillant quelque part, mon cousin tomba dessus et decida de m'envoyer toute la série de 20 par internet. Quand je l'ai regardé, j'ai été très surpris:ça avait mal vieilli. Certains gags étaient OK, mais d'autres, franchement...houlà! Je ne suis pas étonné qu'on n'ai pas gagné! Juste pour le fun, je décidai de commener un travail de"restauration". Et donc, c'est donc une toute nouvelle version devant vos petits yeux tout écarquillés, et en plus, c'est en couleur !
So, if you like it, there will be more! And, er... you want to know something sad about it? Well, look at the photo below. It is a very recent one. Yep ! The same Batman T-shirt ! And I swear, I have a wardrobe full of other clothes!
Alors voilà, si ça vous plait, ben y aura la suite. Sinon, vous voulez savoir un truc triste? Regardez la photo en dessous. Elle est toute récente... Ouais, le même T-shirt de Batman! Et pourtant, j'ai une armoire pleine de fringues!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Delphine's first painting... La première peinture de Delphine...
Some times ago, my little girl started to take painting lessons at a little gallery in the shopping mall next to our residence. After 3 lessons, here is her first painting. Yes, I am a proud daddy. This painting is now in France, at her Godfather's place. But I have a copy as my computer's wallpaper at the office.
Il y a quelques temps de cela, notre petite fille a commencé à prendre des leçons de peinture à une petite galerie dans la galerie marchande près de notre résidence. Après 3 leçons, voici son premier tableau. Oui, je suis un papa fier. Le tableau se trouve maintenant en France, chez son parrain. Mais j'ai une copie en papier peint sur mon écran d'ordinateur à la boite.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Dédé the frog... Dédé la grenouille...
Finally I can write about it. Several months ago, I was contacted by The French Section of The Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. They wanted me to create a character for them. They have the idea of a cute little frog (you know, it is kind of a symbol of the French people... because a lot of French like to eat frog legs!) and were looking for an illustrator with a French touch. So I created several frogs, and then we narrowed down the selection in 3 rounds. When the choice was made, I did the turn around, selected the colors for the character. Then, as you can see upper, a friend of mine did a 3D version of it. After, the ladies in charge of the department contacted a manufacturer to do a sculpture from it, thanks to the 3D model, for a little mobile phone decoration. And so, I am proud to be able to present you Dédé the frog.
They also asked me to do Dédé in various activities. There will be more coming, and as soon as it is available online I will put the link to their website on the links list somewhere on the right.
Enfin, je peux enfin écrire sur le sujet. Il y a plusieurs mois, j'ai été contacté par la section française du département de linguistique et de langues modernes de l'Université chinoise de Hong Kong. Ils voulaient la réalisation d'un personnage. Ils avaient déjà l'idée d'une petite grenouille toute mignonne (parceque bon, pour le reste du monde, on est connu pour ça, manger des cuisses de grenouilles! C'est d'ailleurs pour ça que les anglais nous surnomment "froggies") et voulaient un illustrateur avec une touche à la française. Donc j'ai fait plusieurs dessins de grenouilles. Ensemble, nous avons réduit la sélection en trois étapes. Une fois que la version finale fût choisie, j'ai fait le turn around, la sélection des couleur pour le personnage. Ensuite, comme vous pouvez le voir au-dessus, un ami a réalisé la version 3D. Après, les demoiselles en charge du département ont contacté une société pour faire un modèle-échantillion d'une petite déco pour les téléphones portables, grâce au modèle 3D. Et je suis fier de pouvoir vous présenter Dédé la grenouille.
On m'a aussi demandé de faire quelques illustrations de Dédé en train de faire différentes activités. Il y aura d'autres choses à venir. Et dès que leur site sera en ligne, je rajouterai leur lien dans la liste des liens quelque part sur la droite.